As I said a few days ago, I intentionally declined to make much of a Halloween costume this year. But I didn't just sit around in pj's, wondering whether we would get a single trick-or-treater. I got all tarted up and went to see my favorite comedian with my husband and one of our good friends. Lots of people at the theater were in costume, but the three of us looked like bog standard normies, not withstanding my unusually heavy application of makeup.
I was a little late getting ready, because I zipped over to take family photos of the kids in costume, before they went out to trick-or-treat. Little Fezzik was unhappy and didn't want to pose, but Inigo, Westley, and Buttercup were all into it. They showed Val the Princess Bride for the first time yesterday, and she paid attention for a lot of it, but not all. She asked to watch it again today, so that is a big win.
The show tonight was at the Paramount in downtown Denver. That's where I saw Suzy/Eddie Izzard most recently, and where I've seen a couple other shows since I came back to Colorado. It's a neat venue, decorated in an art deco style. I didn't take photos from inside, following instructions not to do so during the performance. I focused on Eddie, as she selected choice bits from the first 35 years of her career, rounding them out with new material on either side. It was a lot like watching a rock band that has been around a while. The audience was listening to the new stuff with rapt attention, but when one of the old classics came out, the place exploded in thunderous applause.
She expected to be out of comedy by now, having tried to break into British politics a couple of years ago. She said she is about to stand for office again, in Brighton, so if she wins election, rather than her returning to Denver to perform again, maybe next time we all go look her up in Brighton. Don't threaten me with a good time, woman. I'll do it. I just gotta renew that long-expired passport.