Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Inspirational song: Whatever Gets You Through the Night (John Lennon)

This year's Halloween costume debuted tonight. I dressed up for the Rotary party as a goth skater chick, and it was fun. I'm really glad I don't dress like this every day, but it was neat to see a different side of me. I really hammed it up when I could, when people were taking pictures or when we were showing our costumes for the contest at the party. But as soon as that was done, I stopped being goth or emo or whatever this outfit called for and just acted like me.

With my housemate's advice and assistance, I put together a layered look. Black long-sleeved undershirt, ratty, faded black tour t-shirt over it. Jean shorts, purple tights, black leather clunky boots. Plaid shirt tied around my waist. Three silver necklaces with goth styling. Four hematite rings and black nail polish. Fake nose ring. Purple beanie. And makeup. So. Much. Makeup. 

I watched a YouTube tutorial on how to apply the makeup, and did my best. How I'm going to get it all off again, I have no idea. I tried scrubbing the liquid eye liner off my hand, where I accidentally globbed it. Regular hand soap failed, as did my face wash. I tried a dry paper towel, hoping friction would do it. Some of it is still there. I can't do this to my eyes. I have to research more gentle methods. I used black eyeliner pencil for my brows, and during D&D tonight, I tried removing it with a baby wipe. I had marginal success. Am I going to have raccoon eyes all the way into Thanksgiving? Time will tell.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Backstory

Inspirational song: Bad Moon Rising (Creedence Clearwater Revival)

To drive up attendance at the Rotary Halloween party, two clever members rewrote a verse to Bad Moon Rising, and performed it in front of the meeting today, complete with ukulele accompaniment. It was cute and those of us of a certain age and demographic enjoyed singing along. I tried very hard to tamp down the feeling of inescapable dread that this song occasionally inspires in me, and take it as the bouncy tune it is on the surface. I promised the person I usually sit next to that I'd tell the backstory, so let's see what memories I dredge up.

In high school, I used to sleep with my radio playing all night. I still like having noise going when I sleep, in the form of music, audio books, or news. Back then it was the rock station out of Oklahoma City that lulled me to sleep. One autumn night, I woke up a second before the first chord strummed to Bad Moon Rising. I was filled with a sudden joy that came out of nowhere, briefly wide awake in the pre-dawn hours. I fell back asleep when the song ended. I woke later that morning with an ear infection, hurting deep inside my ear canal. I dragged myself the two blocks around the corner to where we practiced marching band, at the field next to the middle school. My friends alerted me that my cat had been either hit by a car, or something more nefarious that is for another story, in the street between my house and the school. I saw him, lying still on the edge of the street, blood congealed in the same spot on his head as where my ear infection was hurting me. Needless to say I was an emotional wreck for the rest of the day, after calling my stepdad and asking him to come retrieve Noa's body. I did the math in my head, and remain convinced to this day that he was killed at the very moment that song woke me.

This was not the only strange event I associated with that song. Twice more it involved cats, another one dying a mere week after the first, and then a few months later, my friend showing up at D&D with a found kitten, who was immediately adopted by my cousin (the game was at his apartment anyway). I know there were other spooky coincidences, but none stuck in my mind as thoroughly as the cat episodes. The first time it happened was almost 40 years ago, and I can remember as clearly as if I were still there, on a humid autumn night, next to an open window. I can smell the warm wood smell of the house. I can feel the firm mattress and the carvings of the bedframe. I can hear the tiny speakers of the clock radio that was always on. I can see my beloved tuxie cat lying in the street, in the gray, foggy light of that next morning. I've had more than a dozen cats come and go in my life since Noa, but I will never forget. 

I don't think I have any surviving pictures of him. He was a handsome, handsome boy. What I do have is a picture of a lovely young lady who was not feeling well at all today. I picked her up from school, and her teacher told me she had a cough and a runny nose. That wasn't the half of it. We needed to do a quick Walmart trip on the way home, and she voluntarily lay in the shopping cart, and curled up and slept while I grabbed the few things I needed. She was pale and her coughing and massive booger nose were pitiful. When we got home, I set her up on my couch, with fresh fuzzy blankets, Disney+ on the iPad, lemonade with added honey, and microwavable mac and cheese. I wonder if this unlocks a new core memory, getting pampered at grandma's house when she feels yucky.

Monday, October 14, 2024

I Wish This Was My Picture

Inspirational song: Rock Around the Clock (Bill Haley & His Comets)

I was invited to go view the comet currently visible in the western sky, and I just couldn't convince myself to get up and go. By the time night had rolled around, my units of "get things done" were completely depleted, and even walking to the door was beyond me. Pity, that. My housemate was the one who invited me, and they have good equipment for star-gazing. They only brought fancy binoculars this time, and that was enough to see the nucleus of the comet and detail in the tail. They took a three-second exposure photo over the pond at the park where they went, and it was an insanely beautiful shot. I said if it had been my picture, that would have been plastered all over social media by now. So, with their generous permission, I will put it here. 

I didn't end up submitting my ballot today. I wasn't sure whether it was still considered a bank holiday today, as this particular holiday is controversial. (Personally, I fall into the group who prefer the newer "Indigenous People's Day" version, but that is neither here nor there to my point.) I assumed that the county offices would be closed, and as my entire motivation for handing in my ballot in person is to get that sweet, sweet sticker, I elected to wait one more day (pun intended.)

I have overbooked myself for this week, and I've started culling projects already. I had a few food and drink items planned to prepare for game night, and I'm going to simplify there. I am keeping my costume for the Rotary Halloween party to mostly items I already have on hand, both to save money and because I want it to be easy. I'm just trying to make it to next Monday without overload, at this point. I don't have a snowball's chance in outer space of achieving that, but here we are.


Sunday, October 13, 2024

So That They Leave Me Alone

Inspirational song: Shambala (Three Dog Night)

October is taking its time becoming, well, October. Saw our favorite weatherman Chris Bianchi (Crispy Donkey) refer to it as "Scorchtober" today. Finally there are cooler days in the forecast. Not necessarily tomorrow, but in the long-range, and that's enough to give me hope. The overnight low tonight is supposed to barely kiss the 30s, but make it to second base with them in a week. I need to bring the last of the plants in this week, assuming I can make the last adjustments so they have places to overwinter. 

The one thing I am not ready to do is turn on the heat. We came in to watch a Marvel movie and the most recent episode of Agatha All Along, and the bedroom was chilly. A couple of hours later, with two each of adult humans, giant dogs, and cuddly cats, and this room is broiling again. I'm not interested in heating it further. I actually considered turning the ceiling fan off this evening, before the room heated up. What was I thinking. That thing will stay on until January, at least.

I didn't walk the next section of my neighborhood today after all. Instead, the only GOTV effort I made was my own. I did the last of the research on judge retention, which was thankfully detailed in the blue book the state sends out, and the few amendments and ballot initiatives that I hadn't fully considered until today. I filled out my ballot, and I am comfortable with the choices I made. I feel a little hypocritical, because I didn't exactly consult the voter guide I'm papering my neighbors' homes with, although I probably came to most of the same conclusions my compatriots did. I'm going to return my ballot inside the county offices tomorrow, instead of using the drop box next to the DMV, in hopes of getting the sticker. That's why I always waited until actual election day before. But they say turning in your ballot early stops the texts and emails, and I'm willing to trade a sticker for some peace any day.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Shining Stadium on the Hill

Inspirational song: Walk of Life (Dire Straits)

A little more than 20% of our get out the vote effort is done. Housemate 1 and I walked the southeast quadrant, plus our own street. We gave out a total of about 75 voter guides, but this is the section with the most walking, I think. I handed off the walk lists to my partner in the precinct this evening, so she and her brother can do the condo and apartment section. I'll pick back up tomorrow evening, assuming my body lets me. Both feet, one knee, and one hip are on fire. Housemate 1 felt just fine after, but I swear I weigh double what they do. If there were half of me doing all this walking, it would be a lot easier.

As I recovered, I discovered an acceptable substitute for the Braum's cherry limeade I long for when I'm not in Oklahoma. Canada Dry has a cherry ginger ale that I tried for the first time today. Squeeze a fresh lime or two into that, and I can live with it. Will save me a ton of money on the much more disappointing Sonic version.

I'm listening to the CU game as I type on my phone. When I started that sentence, we scored a touchdown. That's great and all, but we are still down an entire touchdown beyond that. It's the 3rd quarter, and two of our best players, including the guy who should be in top consideration for the Heisman, are banged up and not currently playing. I'm so tired, I don't know how I'm going to stay awake to the end of the game.

I had to drive Mr S-P to where he left his car at a friend's house, a couple towns over. We took a rural route to get there, and as we drove in the dark, listening to pregame chatter on the radio, he pointed towards Boulder in the distance, and complained how bright the giant scoreboard at the stadium was. I'm not sure if what he was pointing at was indeed the jumbotron. It may have been aimed the wrong direction to be that. But wow, the stadium itself was the brightest point on the horizon.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Hangin' Out

Inspirational song: All By Myself (Eric Carmen)

It's possible one could say I kidnapped my family this afternoon. Midday I texted my daughter and said I needed groceries. She said she also needed them. And then I threw the family in my car and almost didn't give them back. I had thought I was up for a day alone, with the Park residents off at their various classes and obligations, yet when presented with company to hang out with, I insisted that they stay as long as possible.

We did the two cart method at King Soopers, but even that nearly went off the rails. It didn't take two minutes inside the store before the big kids were dramatically throwing themselves on the floor, because they thought it was funny. Almost immediately, one smacked her face on the polished concrete and bruised her lip. Thankfully there was no real lasting damage. They were plopped in the second cart, and there they rode for the rest of the trip. I got to push the baby around, trying to persuade him to drink a little from his bottle, thinking that was what he was fussing for. Turns out it was because he was ready to sleep again, and the only way he was happy was when the shopping cart was in motion. So I got an extra long walk, doing laps of the store while my daughter filled her cart up with essentials. 

We drove around for an extended time between dropping off her groceries and mine, to give the entire carload of children a chance to sleep, while they are of an age when the rocking of a car is the quickest way to induce a nap. We drove past several 5-10 acre parcels that are out of my price range, even if the kids and we both sold our respective houses and moved in together. There was one that we could probably manage in a pinch, but the house on it is way too small for a multi-generational living situation, so we kept on driving the kids through their nap, and let it fade into memory.

The kids will be here every weekend soon, and if I am going to be ready for that kind of chaos, I will need to throw a lot of stuff into storage to keep it safe. Not sure where that organizational energy will come from yet.

Thursday, October 10, 2024


Inspirational song: Sk8er Boi (Avril Lavigne)

I needed inputs today. I had a very low reservoir of creativity. I was on the verge of crowd-sourcing my Halloween costume with y'all, until I spoke aloud some of my rough ideas with housemate 2. She jumped on one of them, and walked me through very specific ways of making it work. It went from a "maybe I should do something this direction" to "show me what you have in your closet so we know what few items to buy this weekend" very quickly. It helps having a close confidant who is 20-plus years younger than you. Now I'm super excited about putting this together, and feeling far less self-conscious about wearing the look.

There is still one thing about which I will need to get opinions from locals. This evening I went to pick up my GOTV materials, and on the way home decided I would absolutely shrivel up and die without a cherry limeade. Crossing the very full parking lot to the Sonic, I noticed this restaurant was thoroughly packed on a Thursday night. I've never been there, but a crowd like that makes me think it must be pretty good. Have any of you locals been to Rosa Cantina on North Main? Do I want to go there next week for my birthday dinner? I kind of feel like I do, but someone giving me reassurance would be appreciated.