And we are live! They reconfigured the wiring sequence to the solar panels, changing the distribution between the two inverters, and that was the last step before the city power tech installed our net meter. We produced our own electricity on this bright and sunny day! Whether we offset our usage, I honestly don't know. Probably? I still haven't learned how to read the website with the charts and graphs of our system yet. That will come with time, and the mental energy to do the googling. We don't yet have a battery bank hooked up to it, so evenings like yesterday, when the whole block lost power, won't change much. One step at a time.
We went over to the kids' house again today, same as I did yesterday. I sat inside with the baby and watched Anastasia (and she watched some of it) while everyone else was out doing yard work. My little girl has bought her first chain saw, and her daddy was giving her instructions on how to remove a blighted and wind-damaged tree. I'm so proud. Seriously, it has been fun these last few years watching them grow into real homeowners, collecting tools and appliances and the knowledge of how to use and care for them all. In my head, my daughter is still seventeen years old, and reckless as any teenager (maybe more so, because I know who her father is). But lately I've had to come to terms with the fact that she's a grown up, with an advancing career and solid adulting skills. She's a hell of a mom, too. Way better than I was at first.
The landscaping job they are starting is ambitious. They are completely reimagining the front layout, including some sod removal to put in paver walks. I joked about how long before they realize how much they have bitten off, and want to set the project aside for a while. She said she hopes she makes it to August at least. I pointed out we gave up on ours last year by July. Can she last longer than her dad?