Family car trips all had a very common theme when we were much younger. Once we had driven about five miles in any direction, our older daughter would be passed out against the corner between the seat and rear window, often with her head tilted back and mouth open. The rest of us found it endearing, even reassuring in its familiarity. As her teen years advanced, we wondered whether this would translate into her not being a safe driver, if the motion of the car was such a powerful sedative for her. Thankfully, when she was actively driving cars, she proved entirely capable of staying awake.
We needed to make a Costco run for dog and cat food this afternoon, so we invited Valerie along with us. She was at the park with her family when we arrived to pick her up, and she was rather reluctant to leave the playground even to go shopping with grandma and papa. She had to be chased after a couple times. Eventually she got in the car, and her mommy gave her juice and a small bag of Cheetos. Within seconds she was covered in orange smear, and within minutes she was sound asleep. As we exited the highway for the turn to the shopping center, the motion of the car rolled her just enough to tip her head back and drop her mouth open. It was a perfect Auntie pose, a direct flashback to car rides of the past. Naturally we took a photo and sent it to the family, just for giggles.
I hear that the bridesmaids and other wedding guests have posted photos, so I feel safe putting in the one full length one I took of the bride and groom outside the church. I didn't take many shots at all, other than of Valerie, so as not to get in the way of the professional photographers. Just this one was enough for here.