Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Put Me In, Coach

Inspirational song: Centerfield (John Fogerty)

I very nearly stepped on the boss' toes today. My lead developer sent me after someone who called the office line rather than her when returning a call, and the boss took the lead. I called and talked to him and might have confused the fellow a little bit. I would really like to work with him, not just because he's a good lead looking for a big house. He's from a city I've spent many, many vacations in, and his accent reminds me of home. That, and he seems like a genuinely cool guy. But the boss claimed him first, and call me weird, but I'm not going to raise a stink over that. This is not to say I wouldn't suggest to him that I'd be happy to take this one if given the chance.

Twenty nine years ago, minus two months, Mr X and I went on our "first date," which actually amounted to me driving him on a cold, snowy day to his storage unit and an auto junkyard. Today we went to another auto junkyard, with a much different purpose. It wasn't a get-to-know-you date. It was looking for parts so that he could take his project vehicle out of my garage as he moves out. Not nearly as much fun. But the junkyard itself was actually very cool. The way it was laid out, the piles of disembodied cars and parts, the stages of disassembly of all of these Jeeps. I would have liked to have spent even more time there just trying to frame good pictures. Most of what I took was point and click over things I liked.

I'm on record as being a big sports fan, but of all sports, I honestly have little interest in baseball. I do have a big interest in traditions and streaks, however. So of course somewhere in the top of the 6th inning, we came down to watch the last game of the World Series, to see whose long title-losing streak ends tonight. This is just about the right amount of baseball for me. One half of one game. It is almost enough to make baseball exciting for me.

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