Inspirational song: Glory-Fight-Go (CU Fight Song Sequence)
I had a great plan. I was going to use my new phone to get a clear recording of Julie Andrews' commencement address, and play it over until I caught all of it, taking everything to heart. In the bright sunshine at Folsom Field, I thought I hit all the right spots on the screen, and I let it go while I absorbed the speech the first time through. I realized at the end that I never actually turned it on. I have to rely on memory and hope for an archive on the Internet. But honestly, I think I got it. It included the same message that has been the theme of the week: fight for the arts. Put time and energy and focus into art every day. Julie explained that she lost her (amazing, perfect, universally loved) singing voice to a failed throat surgery right at the time she and her daughter began writing children's books. She was at a loss, wondering what was left without the artistic expression that had defined her, when her daughter pointed out that she had found a new voice, a new outlet for art. She poured herself into it and made it work for her. Thirty books later, her new voice is every bit as expressive as the one we fell in love with first.
It is a fairly common desire, to look for signs that affirm whatever we are doing is the right thing. It is admittedly superstitious of us, but generally I think most of us do it. I have been inundated with so much coincidental reaffirmation lately it would be impossible not to get the message. When I decided to take the skywalk from the concourse to the terminal yesterday, I didn't expect to find inspiration, but I looked up and there it was, painted on the rafters. A quote (that I hope I can get right) that read,
"Shiva's cosmic dance has no purpose. It is the spontaneous expression of bliss. It is art." I am not sure I have ever heard instruction more beautiful than that.
My wonderful daughter has graduated. I have been more emotional today than I was at my own graduation from here, when I was pregnant with her. I love when circles complete themselves. I need to find the photo of me that day. The last one I took of her before we left campus looked exactly like it.
we play glory-go-fight now