Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Inspirational song: Kiss (Prince)

This was an easy trip overall, with painless flights, casual activities, agreeable foods, and quiet nights. I barely spent any money, especially since meals were provided for me (thanks again, family!) Still, once I was home, I needed to decompress. I went to bed at a reasonable hour, and had to work at falling asleep because my brain was roiling. Once asleep I needed to stay in bed an extra hour and a half or more. I promised to stay in my robe all day, and do nothing. I skipped Rotary. And then I got a phone call. 

My daughter wanted to go thrifting, and she lured me out with pictures of handsome grandchildren. I met up with her, and we went a little nuts at the thrift shop. It helped that it was senior Tuesday, and several of the things were 50% off. I'm not used to asking for a senior discount, so that was a novelty. Afterwards we went downtown for lunch, and had the rest of the family meet us there. By then Valerie was out of pre-K, and the men folk were available to join us.

Val's sense of humor is evolving now that she has a new peer group. I want to comment more on it, but I think this needs further observation. It will be a fun study. Dmitri suddenly developed extra skills since I saw him a week ago, dedicating himself to learning to use crayons, and his vocabulary and sentence construction is ten times more complex. I was too sore from travel to hold Avery much, so I'll have to wait to see what new tricks he has.

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