My mother continues to warn me to be mindful of the things I say. She really means it when she says I should be careful what I wish for. It seems I should heed my mother's warnings, and add in that old staple "I'll give you something to complain about" as a corollary. Every time I complained about where we were living, it just got worse and worse. Farther from town, farther from retail opportunities, farther from the closest airport. I learned to stop complaining about distances, eventually, and said, I don't care where we move next, as long as it is green. I wanted water above all things. I said, in all seriousness, I felt like my soul had dried out living in the desert for six years. I used to watch the tv shows where they made over people's back yards, and I would say, the only thing I would ask for is water: in a pool, a hot tub, a fish pond, or a fountain. I would be in it.
Flash forward to this year. In January, we were still under drought conditions. I prayed for rain. I wanted it so, so much. By February, we had caught up, and even ran a slight surplus for the year. Before today, the last day of June, we had doubled our monthly average, and it has rained so hard today, we have added at least two inches to that, maybe more. It is ridiculously swampy now. My trees are drowning. My flowers are brown and rotting. And I stay home, not interested in driving across town to go to the Y (especially since they close the pools when there is thunder, and it has been thundering frequently for days). The unwillingness to get out in the thick wet air is so bad, I even dragged my feet when I had the chance to go to Bonfire last night. I need to find something to break me out of this lethargy. But I must use caution in how I speak of that need.
I didn't leave the house until after six tonight. It had been dark and gloomy since a little after four, and it added to the difficulty to find motivation to go anywhere. I went searching for sisal rope for a project, and ended up at a craft store. I never found rope, only hemp twine, which is not what I needed. I bought pastels, thinking it might help me design the trident I discussed back in the Church of Poseidon post. I haven't gotten to spend much time at the beach this year, but the whole county is so wet I feel like I'm underwater all the time. I might as well start the design for the tattoo, so I have time to live with it before I put it on me permanently. I may be getting it as early as September. We will see. Who knows what my attitude towards water will be by then.
If you can't get to the Y, than its time to crack,out the wii fit. Doooo iiiiit. Yu might need a young and hip person to help you set it up. . .