Thursday, September 26, 2024

Important First Stop

Inspirational song: Tulsa Time (Don Williams)

In my own time zone, it isn't even 8 pm yet. Regardless, here I am about to drift off to sleep. I had less than 5 hours of sleep last night, in part no thanks to Beinn sleeping across my legs for the first part of the night. We rolled out of the driveway about 615 this morning, and made it to the airport by 730. Bag drop was easier and faster than the old way. Security was not bad at all. Neither of the flights were full, so I didn't have to sit in a middle seat once. Honestly, the only thing I could think of to complain about was a lack of easy-grab gluten-free options in between where I bought my book and when I picked up a rental car hours later.

I made sure to drive through a Braum's before I made it out of Oklahoma City. I was starved and got a cherry limeade and fries. I was much improved, but why did I not go ahead and get a milkshake for the road? I was right there! What a dumbass move.

So I learned something new today. Did you know that the turnpike between OKC and Tulsa no longer takes cash for tolls? Yeah, it would have been nice if one of y'all had let me in on that fact before I loaded up about four pounds of quarters and a wad of dollar bills in my purse. It costs almost double the toll for them to bill the license tag. How does that work on a rental car? They just slap another charge on your credit card, or send you a bill that you have to remember to pay in a timely fashion (my weakness)? 

I am in the bosom of my family now. We have had a lovely dinner and time to chat. They have been mellow about me winding down and we are just watching funny videos now. I think if I drift off, they would just throw a blankie over me and let me be. Perfection.

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