Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Let It Out Early

Inspirational song: When the Levee Breaks (Led Zeppelin)

Normally my end of day blogging is my regular catharsis. I get to process what I've gone through physically and emotionally, put it in context, and move on. It's like pulling memories out and storing them in the pensieve in Dumbledore's office. Tonight I went and got into a conversation with my housemate where a sore spot got accidentally pressed, and emotions bubbled up, and oops, things went all cathartic. She had asked me what should have been a straightforward question, but it hit dead center in a topic I try to keep buried. Now I have very little left in me for introspection. I'm drained.

I think I need to leave it at that and see what pictures I took and stole today. The children were exceptionally cute, from what I heard, but I only took a screen grab from a single video. They never jumped on bedtime snap filters, but I did send one. And I think we missed an opportunity to name Beinn after the Looney Tunes Sam Sheepdog. His pose today was spot on for me.

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