Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Break

Inspirational song: In My World (Moody Blues)

It's here. Relief is here. I begged for it. I whined about it. I swore violently when it took too long to arrive. But this week, my cries for mercy were answered, and autumn arrived with perfect autumnal weather to go with it. There's a wedge pattern just off the coast, that pushed rain and much colder air through my Park. The last three days have been utterly gorgeous, at least according to my standards. There has been cloud cover, occasional spitting rain, and a freshening breeze. Nothing could be better, as far as I am concerned. The poor girl at the bank thought I was crazy when I came in grinning broadly, raving about the beautiful day, as I was folding up my still-damp umbrella.

The Pride was rewarded for good behavior today. It was so beautiful outside, for the first time in months, I left the back door open, and let the kids roam for an hour or so. It has been so long since we went out to play as a group, they acted like they had forgotten what to do. But in just a few minutes, they fell into their old habits. Jackie ate grass, Alfred camped on the rail of the deck, Rabbit followed me around the lawn everywhere I went, and Athena hid. Just like old times.

I have no more excuses not to be putting the Park to bed for the season. It will still warm up a few times between now and winter, but it shouldn't be so bad I can't get out there most days. The mosquitoes still run the joint, and I can't walk with my head down unless I want to wear a spider web as a diadem. The far fence shows how badly I failed with my "no vines whatsoever" rule. While I had the back door open, I drained off the water drowning several of my container pots, and brought inside several of the herbs that I had given up on while the giant spiders controlled the deck. I scooped a few of them out of the windowboxes, and repotted them in appropriate containers to bring to my inside world. You may look at the pictures and ask me, Anne, did you really just bring a large catnip plant into your kitchen, and expect that your herbs will survive? Yes, yes I did.

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