Saturday, September 27, 2014

No Magic Today

Inspirational song: Voodoo Child (Jimi Hendrix)

I'm a rational, intelligent woman. I'm skeptical, I believe in science, and I am willing to do my research before I believe most claims, dubious or otherwise. So how is it every Saturday, from September to November, I find myself doing the silliest little sports fan voodoo moves, as if they make a bit of difference? It's more than just wearing the team colors. If I'm listening to the game on the internet, and playing a repetitive game on the computer while I listen, I start to think ridiculous things, like that every hand of solitaire I lose means the team will fumble or punt. When we are making a goal line stand, I close my eyes and focus on the announcer's voice, like paying attention will aid the defense. Today, I was channeling my grandmother, whose nervous energy during sporting matches always sent her off to clean house when the tension was too much to handle. I was doing dishes and mopping the floor, and somehow, doofus that I am, I got it into my head that we were playing better while I was standing. During halftime, I ate something that made my stomach flip, and I sat through the third quarter. Cal scored three unanswered touchdowns. So I was back up for the fourth, and for overtime. My muscles were tense, my mind was absolutely absorbed with the game, but funny, the voodoo just didn't work today. We lost by a field goal, in a spectacular match. And I am left feeling like a very foolish fan.

I'm starting to feel the need to prepare the nest, now that we are getting down to the home stretch on my man's project. The weather is cool, and the sun is going down so much earlier. It feels like the rest of the time could just fly by, if I turn my attention to all that I have to do before he gets here. There are a lot of projects I tabled, a lot of piles of paperwork or laundry that I just stopped looking at, so I didn't have to put them away. Now it's time to open my eyes and address the things I ignored. There might be more lurking here than I am aware of. What did I think was going to happen when I turned away from all of this? I need a magic spell to put it all to rights. Funny, that's not going to work today either.

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