Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Holding Pattern

Inspirational song: Holding Out for a Hero (Bonnie Tyler)

Another day from the smooth grooves of the rut is almost in the history books. I have got to find something to shake me out of this. I have an idea I'm kicking around, but I'm not about to write it down and jinx it, like I have with so many others. What I'm thinking really isn't even permanent, it's just a short term fix, but it just might be enough to blow out the cobwebs that are keeping me tangled up.

My hero from next door (tangentially) came by today and did me more favors. He hauled the stack of Bradford pear shoots I cut down over to the curb, and ran the weed eater over a section I had let go. After more than two weeks of feeling absolutely feeble, it was really nice to have someone give me a helping hand. It was very kind of him, and as the theories of "pay it forward" go, I think he and I are just ratcheting up the goodness a little at a time. Every time he does something like this, it inspires me to do that much more for his mother, uncle, and grandmother. His uncle just had back surgery, and is feeling awful. I think perhaps it's time for me to come up with a little care package of my own to send that way. I need to think of something good. If only I knew something about NASCAR, I could play to that theme, to cheer up the post-surgery patient in a way that would really entertain him.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel. We are starting to see the end of my man's project on the horizon. I wish it could end today and send him home right now, but I have to be patient a little longer. In the eternal words of Inigo Montoya, "I hate waiting." I don't have much of a choice. I don't have to like it, but I can't get out of it.

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