Saturday, September 13, 2014

Another Saturday Night

Inspirational song: The University of Colorado Alma Mater

I finally followed a link I was given last week, with the sheet music to a few of the fight songs, in each of the instrument parts. If I'm going to play in the alumni band at the homecoming game, which I really want to do for the first time since graduation, I need to brush up a little bit. I still haven't tracked down a piccolo to rent, so I can practice for real, but in a pinch, a standard-size Sharpie and the soundtrack that is permanently imprinted on my brain worked well enough. Yes, I just played a Sharpie, and when I made mistakes with the fingering, I totally heard it in my head and went back over those measures a couple times. I sure don't remember all those embellishments in Glory, and I'm assuming the fact that the Alma Mater has a date of 1998 at the top explains why it seems unfamiliar to me. I don't remember resting the first three measures, and then coming in with a counter-melody. I thought we played the whole thing. But I have slept since college, once or twice, so I will accept that I could be remembering it incorrectly. At least I still remember all the words. I might have even sung it in the shower a few times, when it was being a pesky earworm. How is it I never went back and played in the alumni band? You'd think a geek like I am would never miss it.

I'm having way too much fun being a superfan tonight. I have been dressed out in my CU togs all day, and I finally applied those Buffalo-emblazoned nail wraps. I really didn't expect to enjoy watching the game tonight, and the first quarter was as horrifying as I thought it would be. Arizona State is one of those teams that takes about 50 seconds from kick reception to end zone, tops. We were down 17-0 when all of a sudden, the kids remembered that they were allowed to play too. I still expect to lose overwhelmingly, but after two decisive CU touchdowns and a couple really good defensive stops, I have decided I'm having fun watching after all.

I did very little to justify a blog tonight. I mostly took cat pictures and grilled a steak for myself while I waited for a night football game. I think I got a couple cute pictures, so without further ado...

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