Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Late, As Usual

Inspirational song: It Won't Be Long (v. Evan Rachel Wood)

I'm sure it will come as a huge surprise when I say I was that kid who always, always, always waited until the night before to write essays for school. If I ever completed one before three in the morning, I bragged about it to all my friends, because it was so out of character. It didn't happen often. Lucky for me, I can compose on the fly particularly well. I scored well on those hastily written papers nine out of ten times, at the very least. I obviously still wait until the last minute to write, churning out a few paragraphs before bed, and I push that bedtime later and later, even when I promised myself I'd learn to turn in early.

I procrastinate everything. As sweeping generalities go, that is a true and accurate statement, not hyperbole. I should be in bed right now, and instead I have clothes in the dryer, a suitcase pulled out but not filled, an unwritten blog, and a daughter who is successfully distracting me with a chat window. And said daughter is just like her mother. She waited until just now to send me links to the songs to play in the stands, other than the four bits of sheet music available on the alumni page. I can't print them currently, and it is way too late to rehearse now. I will worry about it tomorrow night. I'll have a whole new dog to disturb with that little silver instrument of torture.

Rather than take pictures to illustrate the blog tonight, I spent an hour deleting a few hundred pictures off of my SD card, so I have space for new ones. I promise to make up for it over the weekend, but for now, I need to pack and pretend to sleep. 

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