Thursday, October 9, 2014

Waiting It Out

Inspirational song: Stay (Frankie Valli & the Four Seasons)

I had a feeling it would go this way. Our state supreme court has issued a stay on same-sex marriage licenses, pending further judicial review. I am very disappointed, but I am not surprised. While the area where I live is a bit more cosmopolitan, the state as a whole is very resistant to change on this issue. The first couple who applied for the license seems to be keeping a positive attitude about the delay. I suspect in the grand scheme of things, this is all really moving quickly, compared to where we thought we would be on the issue a decade ago. They are still in love, and nothing that has happened this week has necessarily changed that. Who knows, perhaps being specifically mentioned in the ruling by the court is a challenge they embrace. I heard the couple in the Windsor case interviewed, and it sounded like they came out stronger by the end of it. These ladies are our local version of them. I never made my rainbow Mazel Tov sign, but I'm still watching the news, cheering them on from my sofa. My fervent wish for full equality is moving forward on this front. There are still too many egalitarian battlefronts that are not going nearly as well.

I'm starting to pull a bit like a trail horse who knows how close she is to the barn. I feel like I'm slogging through the days, just hoping they will pass quickly from here. I have those highlights coming up, like a birthday, jury duty (possibly), and marching in the alumni band, but I still find myself wishing my favorite month and favorite season would just dissolve and get out of the way. It's difficult to find things to brighten my days when I just want them over with. I've been running on fumes for weeks now. I tried to cheer myself up with how many flowers are still blooming, but inside I feel more like the top of my tea olive from up front: healthy and blooming over most of it, but the tops are literally drooping, as if to say (as the cool kids do), they just can't even. I know how they feel.

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