Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Inspirational song: All My Ex's Live in Texas (George Strait)

What a long, crappy day.

I woke super early this morning to the sound of the man trying to start a fire underneath a chimney filled with heavy, cold air. The sound of smoke alarms before 7 am is not the best way to kick off a morning. I wanted to go back to sleep after he did it, and I really did try. But I started noticing how much of a bellyache I had, and it got worse the longer I noticed it was there. I've been moving slowly ever since, and I hope that I can type like the wind, because I'm ready to be back in bed. I'm arguing with myself over whether I'm much healthier and less susceptible to bugs now that I eat better, or am I due for another one with all the stress and mess around here. Let's hope the former wins.

We had an early first hard freeze last night. I forgot to bring in one key plant, the hanging spider plant that used to live in the man's office. I had nursed back from just a few scrawny leaves, to a healthy spider with lots of babies hanging off of it, in the sunny front porch. After a night in the 20s, it didn't look so good. I hope it's not permanently dead. A quick glance around the Park shows me that just about everything that had been wearing late blooms is now wilted and collapsed. The plumbago and lantana were brown and droopy on the side of the house, and the lacy euphorbia was a stringy mess out back. I guess today we can officially call it. The growing season has ended.

We dropped my car off for an oil change, and thought from there we were just going to take a quick trip up to the kennel where the original two dogs board, trying to convince the techs that they could handle Murray, wheels and all. We were a block away when he peed in the car, and it was horribly stinky. I raced in to the kennel, borrowed a towel, and we got him slightly dried off and inside to meet the team. Within a minute, two things happened. They were charmed by him, and agreed that he could board with the others, and he peed on the light colored tile floor, and we discovered that it was pink. I turned and ran off to the other building, asking for an immediate vet appointment. Two and a half hours later, he had blood drawn, a preliminary urine test (showing lots of rod-shaped bacteria), and a sterile urine sample removed straight from his bladder. If ever we needed proof that he doesn't experience deep pain below the waist, we got it today. They flopped him on his back to siphon his bladder through a hypodermic, and he fell asleep. Didn't faze him a bit. They're using the sample for a culture, so we'll know in a few days whether we need to use a different, possibly stronger antibiotic than the one he has now. He hadn't been complaining about pain, but it had become obvious over the last 24 hours that he just wasn't feeling himself. He rode in the car like he just wanted to be anywhere that was still and not rocking. (I totally sympathized.)

With both of us feeling sick, I haven't started putting together mock-ups for his uniquely-styled diaper wrap yet. It needs to be my sole focus tomorrow. I ended up buying him menstruation pads instead of incontinence pads for the prototypes. Who knew that there was such a cost difference between the two? He needs protection from the diaper rash and my floor needs protection from his issues. But really, all I want to do is curl up and finish the no-sew fleece blanket I started last night, that called all the cats to come sit in the middle of it, while I tried to cut. Jack and Alfred looked me dead in the eye, and asked (telepathically), "Why IS blanket, if not for cats?"

I need help. I failed at Google today. I wanted to use a parody song today, but I can't sort through the internet dreck to find the answers I seek. There's a parody of All My Ex's Live in Texas that is along the lines of "All my exes have infections..." that ends the chorus with "And that's why it hurts me when I pee." We thought perhaps it was Larry the Cable Guy, but searches turned up nothing. Anyone remember this?

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