Saturday, November 8, 2014

Together and Separate

Inspirational song: Homeward Bound (Simon & Garfunkel)

We took our younger daughter to the airport this morning. I love it so much when one or both kids come to see me/us out here, and it just crushes me when it's time for them to go home. I still am not down with this whole "empty nest" thing. Eventually I will adjust, but today is not the day. We said our goodbyes, hugged, and let her go into the terminal. When we climbed back into the car, Simon and Garfunkel were singing Homeward Bound, and it made me even sadder to put my baby on an airplane again. Some day in the future, I might live in the same city as one or the other of my children, but the old nuclear family days of us all under the same roof will never be seen again. I should have worked harder to slow down time, so I could have paid attention better while I had it.

We are moving quickly to get integrated as one big family/pack/pride now that all the residents of the Park are present and accounted for. We let the new kitty roam the house most of the day today, not going back into her transition room until dinner time. There was hissing, but not nearly as much as I expected, and not a single howl. She's a sweet girl, and I expect rapid assimilation into the pride. I'm getting the hang of how to handle a special needs dog, but I am not ready to take care of him all by myself yet. He got new, bigger, off-road wheels yesterday, and his mobility is impressive. He reminds me all the time that he really is still a puppy. We are starting to look around the ground floor, to assess how many pieces of furniture (and rugs!) can be temporarily moved, to make the place accessible. I never noticed how crowded my house was until a wheelchair started rolling through it.

The man is still struggling with time zones, and my sleep needs to adjust a little as well. He just turned in for the night early, and I think it's wise that I follow right behind him. It must be easier if we both sleep and wake at the same time, even if it's the wrong time, right?

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