Sunday, December 4, 2016


Inspirational song: Matchbox (Carl Perkins)

I don't necessarily want to burn too many column inches on cars and football, but at the end of the day, all I really paid attention to was cars and football today. My football-buddy neighbor was here most of the day, and we watched multiple games while Mr X toiled away in the garage, making combustion happen. By the time it was dark and cold and my neighbor had gone home, I was summoned to the garage, with the ominous invitation, "Do you want to see something really scary?" I sort of figured out what was going to happen, so I got my camera out and ready by the time I got to the door. At first he couldn't get the engine to turn over, so he fiddled with it just a bit, and fired it up. At the last second, I realized that I should be taking video rather than stills, and I recorded the first time the Jeep propelled itself under its own power (backwards out of the garage) in approximately 18 years (the last time that the previous owner remembers it moving). I have been waiting 10 years for this moment myself. I am sure I recall Mr X wishing aloud that he could buy that old Jeep from our family friends for many years before that. I really wasn't sure that this night was ever going to come. He was so focused on making that engine run, and was aggravated all day trying to figure out what he had done wrong. Somewhere during the day, he realized that he wasn't giving it any air. Ran like a charm after that. Well, just a few timing issues still, but it runs. And moves! That's what matters.

I told myself I was going to dig out all my lights and decorations tonight, and so far I have put it off until well into the evening. If I'm going to get lights up outside, they need to be done by tomorrow. Tuesday comes snow, which in itself isn't a show-stopper, but when the snow clears, the temperatures will be ridiculously cold for a while. I don't want to have to wait another whole week to decorate. I want to get some good out of the display before it's time to turn around and pull them down again. Lucky for me, northern Colorado is one of those places where it is common to leave the lights up for several weeks into January. They look so pretty in the snow, there are a few people who leave them up even longer than that. People in the South always looked at us sideways, being the only house in the neighborhood determined to leave the lights on until Twelfth Night. But to leave them on that long, they first need to be up. I guess I have to go brave that now-chilled garage one more time. I'm a woman on a mission.

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