Sunday, May 24, 2015

Make It Disappear

Inspirational song: Mr. Cellophane (Chicago)

I came to a realization today, about all the things we have been working on for weeks, and will keep doing. We don't want anyone to see them. Not really. We are working our butts off in order to make things blend in and disappear. While I was repainting the shutters on the front, and the man was painting the trim, covering up rusty screw heads, it came to me. I don't want a potential buyer to walk up to the house and think, "Hm, the trim looks terrible. That's a project. Oh, look. Cats have shredded the window screens. I'll lower my offer, and pay someone to replace those. I'll bet the windows are old like the screens and have to be replaced too. That's several thousand dollars. Maybe I just won't buy." Instead, the Mister has already replaced all the screens, so if anyone looks, they'll see that the windows are young and in good shape. All the trim paint is fresh and new. The only impression it gives is that of being clean. Buyers will see past the trimmed trees or powerwashed driveway and focus instead on selling features like the remodeled master bath, closet organizers, or the new carpet that will be here in a few weeks, and hopefully think those magic words, "I could just move right in." Every thing we do from here on out is in search of someone who will say that as soon as they walk up on the porch.

We have been incredibly indecisive over whether to replace the door to the deck. The trim is in bad shape, the threshold is shot (lets water in which damaged the floor), and it just opens in an awkward way that we have always disliked. Today we finally took the plunge and ordered a new door. This one doesn't just open on one side, but opens both doors from the center, and will make the deck feel like a part of the house. During every part of the year except spider season, that will be terrific. There were a lot of times I wished I could have just made that wall disappear to join the deck and kitchen. All the design shows talk about "bringing the outside in." The phrase is overused nonsense now, but if it makes that one buyer picture herself living in my house, then I will have done my job correctly.

My time is running short, and my energy is fading with it. I have tried to reach out for help from some of my friends, but the man keeps cutting me off, saying we don't need it. I don't know who he thinks he is, or more importantly, who he thinks I am, but I could use another couple hands getting the bushes trimmed, weeds pulled, and boxes stacked in the garage. If you've talked to him about it, and he said don't come, take it from me and don't listen to Mr S-P. Mrs S-P would happily take some company and assistance. I won't work anyone too hard, but it sure would be nice to have someone to talk to while we divide and conquer.

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