Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Inspirational song: In the Evening (Led Zeppelin)

We still have no paperwork that says XS is officially allowed to move in here. We had been going by the tone everyone used (everyone who works in the youth exchange side of the club) when they talked to us about it. It sounds like it’s a done deal. But until the seal of approval is on this situation, I am not going to move her in. The worst I can imagine is she gets here for like two nights, just starts to settle, and then we find there’s a hitch. It feels like the approval is late, but in all honesty, we just wanted to get a jump on things and get XS here during spring break, before the Final Four started.

I’m the last person to criticize anyone about being behind the power curve. I’m hopelessly so. I took on way too many projects and jobs, and I’ve been underwater on it all since December at least. I’m always weeks behind on the club newsletters (and have been begging for months for someone to take this weekly obligation off my hands.) I find that the stress from that steals all of my spoons, and I am barely working, barely completing commissions, and even when projects are done, I’m not releasing them to the people they are to belong to. How’s this for late: there are four Christmas gifts sitting completed in my room with me at this very moment. One of them is for m daughter who lives a mile away, who comes over several times a week, and has stood right next to it multiple times in the last month alone. I just fail to speak up when she is here. I need a personal assistant to organize my life (and make the post office runs I have failed to do most of my adult life.)

The vet called at 8:30 this evening. She apologized for calling so late at night, but she was going over her records and realized no one had given me Athena’s blood test results. I assured her I didn’t mind an after hours call, and was relieved to learn that her tests were unremarkable. Everything is just fine, so we can proceed with the tooth extraction. One welcome bit of good news!

Finally, something to file under Better Late Than Never: Rabbit has been grumpy with all of the other cats for years, ever since Cricket got suddenly sick and rejected her before she died. She used to be such a nurturing cat. She still has her moments with Harvey, when he is being an obnoxious teenager (which is admittedly very often). Two nights in a row now, when he has come to bed, she has allowed him to snuggle up next to her, and she groomed his head. It's too early yet to call it a pattern, but it gives me hope. I'm glad that this late in her life, she finally let someone else in to care for her.

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