Sunday, March 25, 2018


Inspirational Song: Riders on the Storm (The Doors)

I’m fighting it tonight. It has been a big, cool, busy weekend, with lots of work and play (mostly the former), but I’m conflicted about sharing all that much of it. I spent time with old and new friends, and I sort of feel like keeping all the details to myself. I did real estate stuff, and the same applies. I watched the same 60 Minutes episode everyone else did, and I want to digest it before I declare that it is everything or nothing. (Currently I believe it was neither extreme.) But mostly I just want a night to myself to reflect, and to play games while I wait for the heartburn to ease off enough to sleep.

My cozy Smith Park West is starting to wake up some more. Now the dozens of purple crocuses have been joined by a few early daffodil blooms. In a few days I’ll be dancing on air when my lilacs bud out. I can even see the progress on the nectarine from the distance of my kitchen window. But tomorrow rain is supposed to turn back into snow. I’m not complaining. April showers may bring May flowers, but around here March snow storms can reduce June wildfires, and I’m more interested in that right now. I'm looking forward to getting out with a camera so that I can show off later, but for now, I'm okay with keeping it minimal.

(I considered this expert level trolling from the local station a few minutes before 60 Minutes aired.)

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