Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Day Off

Inspirational song: Breaking the Law (Judas Priest)

So far today is going exactly how I imagined it. I stayed in bed until 10 o'clock. I put on workout clothes, but so far I have neither gone on a walk nor done yoga, nor much of anything else. It was raining when I woke, but there is a chance it dried enough that I can mow out back before a week of daily rain sets in and makes it difficult. I got a little emotional when I saw some of what the man left behind scattered around the house, but for the most part, the stoicism has already started setting in. It helps that he has texted me from airports as he hops across the time zones.

A friend of mine is showing signs of strain due to the same mean girl politics that dragged me down lately. It makes me aware of my failures in our volunteer organization, because my primary goal when I took over leading the group was to weed out the cattiness that had damaged it a year ago. I wanted a place where everyone felt welcome and safe, and now not even I feel like I belong there. Why do women do this to each other? I know I'm not the first person to ask that, and I doubt anyone has ever figured out the answer. On the up side, my friend might be available so I can have my very own hermit, just like a real 19th century British country estate. It's what all the cool parks have.

A couple weeks before the man left, I told him how I wanted to put in a pallet garden, because I'd seen them on Pinterest, and thought they were cool. He didn't understand the appeal at first, but eventually I made him look at a few, and he liked the idea. I completed it in the morning yesterday, a few hours before we took him to the airport. Most of the ones I've seen we're herb gardens or ornamentals. I decided to try some wacky things in mine, like peppers (including one I'm trying to revive after it was nibbled to a stalk) and watermelon & squashes planted in the first tier off the ground, where they might have a shot at growing away from voles or bunnies or whoever it was who ate my peppers and cucumber. I consider it an advantage, being so new to gardening after a youth spent unable to touch plants with my bare hands for fear of hives. I don't know all the rules. Hell, I don't know half of them. I can break any rule with impunity when it comes to gardening, because I have no one to please but myself. I told the man, I'm a woman with more money than sense, and I'm going to test all the boundaries in my Park. I am on a path to revive my creativity. Rules are going down!

1 comment:

  1. That's a clever way to build a planting box. I wish I had space to do that,
