Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Mystery Continues

Inspirational song: I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (Lynn Anderson)

I can't decide which I like better. The mornings had been so cool lately, I needed a sweatshirt on my morning walk. Today, the sun was back. It bordered on too warm. I guess I need to teach myself to wake earlier if I'm going to keep walking.

Time is running out. It's sinking in how little time I have left with the man, before he leaves. There are so many projects to wrap up around the house, but I don't want to waste the last handful of hours painting a shed or raking up freaking sycamore pods. I also don't want to be on the verge of tears, like I have been for days when we went from indefinite delays to tickets purchased. I hate having conflicting desires, wanting time to speed up so I am free of club obligations, while wanting it to slow down to extend every second I have with the man before I have to do without him for months.

Last year for Mother's Day, instead of a bouquet of roses from a florist, we went to the Lowe's garden center, and filled a cart with bareroot roses, most of which came from the clearance rack. I think all but two of them survived the first season. Several of them were vigorous, with beautiful cascades of blossoms that demanded my attention. One behaved very strangely. It shot up in a single, tall, thorny cane, and tangled itself in the least healthy crepe myrtle. It never created a single bud, never bloomed. Last autumn I cut it way back, hoping for better results this year. It split into to primary canes, with just a little branching starting to grow, and last week I got my first two buds on it. I keep watching, wondering what color they will be, since I totally forgot which clearance roses went where. The buds are taking their time growing, still tightly furled, keeping me in suspense. I imagine that after a year with aberrant behavior, and a week of teasing me with the promise of a bloom, that the final result will be the prettiest rose in the garden. After all this wait, I suspect I will think it is, no matter what it looks like.


  1. Your park is beautiful, your blog is perfect, and I read every word. There are all sorts of things you can do to bring readers, but I rarely join in. My blog is my blog. Anyone who wants to can read it, but it's my blog.

  2. So has it opened? What color is it?
