Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rounding the last bend

Inspirational song: Let the Sunshine In (Hair)

It is a beautiful morning in the Park. Yesterday's unusual cold snap has passed. There is a brisk breeze, but the sun is bright. And the dog is muddy. Like holy-crap-no-go-back-outside-what-did-you-do-you-went-to-the-groomer-Monday kind of muddy. I'm guessing the big line of storms from Friday re-soaked the swampy area in the corner where we had to pull out the drowned oleanders and replace them with a weeping willow, in the hopes that something would suck up all the water.

I have some projects today that are fun, like replanting yellow peppers in their container and putting that container somewhere out of reach of the Bunnies Who Live Under the Deck. I have never seen these Bunnies, but apparently the cats and dogs and next door neighbor have, because there is always someone staring at the base of the deck (usually a cat or dog, not the neighbor, especially since we completed the privacy fence,) I am only assuming my pepper plants were a rabbit's breakfast. It might be the squirrels' fault, but they seem to favor sunflower seeds above all things, including anything we buy that claims to be squirrel food.

Some projects today will be less fun, like setting the agenda for the final general membership meeting to elect my successor, as if it were more than a formality. Only one person is nominated in each position, so it is no surprise who will be on next year's executive board. I refuse to quit early, but I am really having to dig deep to find the fortitude to do the last month and a half of presidential duties. To think a few months ago I was happy and determined to run for a second term. I can barely remember what that felt like.

Let the sunshine in. Let it disinfect all the bitterness that has been infecting my good humor. Let the flowers and muddy dogs and well-fed Bunnies Under the Deck bring me back to happiness.

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