Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Burning the Midnight Oil

Inspirational song: Doctor, Doctor (Thompson Twins)

Burning the candle at both ends is taking its toll. How do I keep doing this without taking time out for naps? I think it's all about to come crashing down on me. I don't have nearly as many commitments as this time last year, and yet I am still looking at a packed calendar. Today I got to go from one doctor appointment straight to another, each in a different city, a tidy commute away from my home. And then I had to bounce between two different pharmacies twice each before I could finally be done. Tomorrow I have to sneak out of a late Cinco de Mayo lunch to go to the dentist. I seem to go in feast and famine cycles for health care. Either I'm avoiding the doctor at all costs, or I'm binging on it, seeing specialists and surgeons and submitting to the directives of drug reps. I much prefer the doctor-free periods. I still believe deep down that most of it can be prevented by clean living and cleaner eating. It's the only way I am going to move forward, so it had better work.

I found myself performing another accidental food sensitivity experiment on my own digestive system this week. Much as I discovered I couldn't eat oatmeal through trial and catastrophic error, I gathered some reaffirming data over the last week. I've been so careful with going gluten free that I stopped going to restaurants almost entirely. But last week's social schedule was as heavy as this week's medical schedule. I couldn't escape restaurant food this time around. I thought I was being savvy, choosing only things I knew I could eat, and asking bread items be left off of my plates. Best I can figure, I failed to account for soy sauce at the communal hibachi table. By Saturday night, I was mincing around the house like an arthritic octogenarian. I was probably carrying around an extra half gallon of fluid. I've felt crummy ever since. Now, the question remains, am I so sensitive and just now discovering it, or am I so sensitive because I'm clean, and that makes it all so much worse?

I guess it's time to page through all those old photos that never made it into the blog, so I don't get guilt from my most vocal follower, and then start the green chile in the crock pot for tomorrow's Siete de Mayo lunch. The tea olive blossoms are just starting to open, but I never made it outside with the camera for fresh pictures. I did get right up next to the tea olive thicket to take in the heady fragrance, and to whisper words of love and encouragement. I have a few pictures of how they looked a couple weeks ago. I'll catch up with new ones tomorrow, if my schedule allows.

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