Friday, May 23, 2014

Extended Travel

Inspirational song: Afraid of Sunlight (Marillion)

I didn't take a lot of pictures today. In fact, I'm deliberately not showing what I spent all day working on, even though it is complete (except for sufficient clear coat to protect it outside in the sun and rain). I go through phases where I have to make things, or I will shrivel up and die inside. This is the genesis for many of my incomplete projects, as once I have poured out the bottled up creativity, my momentum often slows before the art is complete. A few days ago, my stepfather and I were talking about my fondness for hand-lettering as art, and I haven't been able to shake the impulse to do just that ever since. I have made myself a sign to go outside, but I'm not going to reveal it until Sunday, when everything outside must be complete. In fact, I'm going to go dark on a lot of it. I want to have something left for impact when the gang comes over. I sent a picture to my younger child, with a hint of what I've been working on outside, and it will be the last of its kind until the day after tomorrow. I'm not sure what more I will be putting out there, but hopefully it will look inviting to my friends.

I have recognized how hard the traditional family holidays are with my man and kids so many miles away. I'm discovering now that even Memorial Day is giving me trouble. Maybe it's just that I'm finally getting the whole gang over, but that the man hasn't been able to come home yet. Every time I turn around, there's another delay, another couple weeks or months extension. I am determined that next year will be different. Once he comes home, I plan on keeping him around a while. There have been way too many events that were just a little less bright because I was there solo, or as a third wheel. My Memorial Day will be less dwelling on what was, and more looking forward to big changes to come, in the year ahead, and beyond.

Every once in a while, my photographic subject matter is downright strange. I'm not too proud to admit I've taken a few "screen shots" that were actually pictures of my television screen. They're not the highest quality pictures, and that's probably a little more dorky than I care to admit. Last week, I was paging through my on-screen guide, and saw something I had to share with the man. He is ready to take some time off too, and has warned me that an extended road trip is a distinct possibility. There are far too many variables this far out to say for sure when and what this will entail, but with a herd like we have, it probably means an RV and a lot of "calm kitty" treats. So when I saw the image (below) on my guide, I showed him, and told him how disappointed I was that the reality show of our lives already exists. We'll have to come up with another one.

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