Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Loving the Now

Inspirational song: Ocean Breathes Salty (Modest Mouse)

My plans for this week kept changing, but I was determined to get a few things in, and my persistence paid off. I rolled with the punches when the Cinco de Mayo themed mah jongg was postponed, and when today's makeup date tried to fall through, I suggested at the very least, the master and I would have lunch. I already had a crock pot of green chile that had stewed overnight, and a pile of avocados that weren't getting any younger. Was it rude of me to insist it was at her house, since we were planning on that anyway? I showed up with the chile, guacamole, and whoops! How did a swimsuit get into that tote bag next to the chips? One of our mah jongg players was able to make it for a little while, long enough to eat and sit with her feet in the pool while we talked. I helped myself to the full effect of the pool, bobbing around for at least an hour while my friends and I schemed and plotted for the future. I'm no closer to having all the answers about what the next year or two holds for me, but I am feeling pretty mellow and peaceful about all my prospects now that I'm waterlogged and sunburned for the first time this season. Somehow a couple hours in the sun made everything all right.

My Park is at a point right now where I feel like I have the balances right. I have a good mix of plants, in the right places, getting the proper levels of water and light. The bugs are creeping in, but between the zapper, established bug-repelling plants, and bloom of lizards (despite the Minions' best efforts to eradicate them), they don't seem to be chasing me away just yet. There's still a lot of warm weather to go. I loaded up my acid-loving plants with the fertilizer they crave more than a month ago, and I'm just now seeing a slight blue tinge on the tips of the first hydrangea blossom to open. I hope I acidified the soil enough. There's not much I like more than deep blue hydrangeas. I wish everything could stay perfectly aligned like it is now, but I know it can't last. The days will get hotter, the bugs will get more aggressive. There will be days I forget to water, and I'm sure I'll postpone creating non-toxic weed killers and pest-deterrents to the point that weeds will once again choke my faux cobblestone walks, rodents will make off with my peaches again, and the beetles (worms?) will bore into my tomato plants again, killing them from the inside. Regardless, right now it's all perfect, and I am as happy as I can be about it. I've eaten one of the peas that suddenly appeared on the vines, and I've added fresh herbs to my meals nearly every day for a week or more. I count that as a success even if I never get a ripe tomato out of the three packed pots, or ever see a ripe fig in my Park. I'm not going to waste the happiness I have right now, focusing too far in the future. Things are good, and they'll be good again even if there are dips and bumps in the road. These are the moments to love.

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