Monday, July 28, 2014

Taking a Bigger Bite

Inspirational song: To Beat the Devil (Kris Kristofferson)

I was a little pushy over the last 24 hours with my determination to share, but I had something important to say, and it really needed to get out. I needed to vent. I've had several blogs lately that meant a lot to me, and I found myself watching closely to see how well they were received. Slowly, the numbers have crept up, but it was frustrating when I finally had multiple works that I was ready to turn loose on the internet, and here I am still just a D-list act. I feel like after almost a year and a half, I've honed my skills and now it's time to take the bigger stage. I've said it to close friends, and I will make a blanket statement for all my readers: If you want to share what I've written, that's fine, as long as you are including the links to the source work. I post a link on Facebook to share daily, but you can copy and paste a URL on Twitter or any other platform where I might be appropriate. If you never read anything that you want to spread, I won't be disappointed with you. But I'm not hiding away, whispering in a corner anymore. Shyness be damned.

It's been an interesting few days for predators around the Park. Since my giant spiders took over the deck and front porch, I've been spending almost zero time outside. I conceded the deck to Carlotta and her little cousin who now own about 30% of the deck, including the entire patio table set. I had to go water my herb garden and failed vegetable garden for the first time in weeks (we've had a lot of rain), and I was absolutely terrified of getting too close to the twitchy girls. While I watched, both of them trapped and killed large flying insects, a dragonfly and something that was about three times as big as the biggest horsefly I've ever seen. I still worry about the dogs running through a web and angering one of the spiders. They say that golden orb weaver bites are not poisonous, but they are extremely painful. To that end, I ordered a concentrated cedar oil repellent/killer. I plan on chasing them away rather than killing them, but I don't know how well it's going to work. I'll give a product review in a week or so, once I give it a chance.

I've been torn on what to do to chase away the horrid little rodents that stole all my tomatoes and peppers. Last year I read someone who suggested mixing some concrete mix with something they would eat, like sugar, and leaving it out for them to harden their little intestines. It would be safer than poison, since my neighbor's dog nearly died last year from eating a poisoned rat. But after talking to that same neighbor, I decided I might have accidentally solved the rat problem already, as a consequence of my procrastination and cowardice over the spiders. I have a huge patch of grass that has not been mowed in a while, and it's wild and wooly. I have been told that the lady on the other side of me saw a snake as long as her car in her driveway last night. I might have harbored a predator, and didn't know it. If the rodents don't come back for a while, I will assume that there is a fat, happy snake to thank for it. But I still have to mow. Sorry, snake.

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