Tuesday, July 15, 2014

You Know What We Ought to Do?

Inspirational song: Little By Little (Robert Plant)

I've been struggling with the daily repetition of waiting, with no real goal to focus on. I have a few projects here and there, and I know the man will eventually come home, but my long term plans were nebulous and scattered, with no clear direction. I had a nice chat with one of my best friends tonight, and suddenly I have a framework, upon which I can build a solid plan. Right now, everything is a fantasy, which assumes cooperation from the man and approval from a bank. I have nothing but time right now to turn a list of "hey, and then we could do THIS" into an actual business plan and proposal. I took that class, when I got my masters degree. I know how to write one. I know how to do cost projections and source city regulations and prove whether it could be profitable. I should at least sketch it out. Why not? I think I need to hurry up and post, and then start making some notes. Most importantly, I need to get the man to sign off on it. It all falls to pieces if he turns his nose up at it. His involvement is key.

I got to see Bones today, and beg for some help. By the time I arrived, I was in such a state I couldn't even lie on my back on the mat, waiting for him to assess how twisted up I was. I spent most of my appointment under heating pads. The last four days have been difficult, but I am sincerely glad this happened while I still had half of my scheduled visits left with him, so he could help me through it. I do something this severe once or twice a year, and I needed him to see it. I had to back off most of my routine, and do just little bits of stretches, between short bursts at a low setting on the incline press. I was so proud of the progress I was making last week. I suppose I earned a setback for getting cocky.

My daughter and I speak to each other in shorthand. Half the time, we just use internet memes to accompany our own pictures. Today the meme of the day was "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout?" "Oh, nothing much. Just cat stuff, I guess." In just a couple short texts, it distills the true essence of our lives. It's always just cat stuff with us. Perhaps this is why I needed something a little bigger to think about for a while. I've got it now.

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