Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cabin Fever

Inspirational song: Tom Sawyer (Rush)

Let me start by sending out love to my old boss, who will probably never even know that I have this blog. I saw last night on my news feed that Tommy Kelly, who was a child actor known for playing Tom Sawyer in the 1930s, has died. The head librarian at the branch library where I worked when we first moved to North Carolina was his daughter (one of six children, I learned). I didn't keep in touch with her after I stopped working at that location, something like 17 years ago, but I remember her fondly, from long nights at the information desk with just the two of us to keep each other company when the library was deserted. My condolences to her and her family.

After several days of concerted effort (and almost no help on my part), Mr S-P has nearly finished our garden shed. It's gone from that awful coral pink, deteriorating love shack that we inherited from our neighbor, to a deep rum raisin and taupe, revitalized, and functional garden feature. It looks fantastic. He was paining the trim pieces to go on it this afternoon, while the weather was gorgeous, and I had to walk away before I grabbed the paintbrush just because it looked fun. I made the mistake of standing on a pile of ice to admire it, which collapsed just a little, and sent me lurching sideways. The resulting clench of core muscles just about did me in. I'm not going to take any more chances, and since then I've admired his handiwork from a distance, namely the back doorway. I can't wait to start a vertical garden on the side of it, where many varieties of lettuce and spinach can get morning sun, and be shaded from the harsh afternoon light, and hopefully grow later into the season than in a fully exposed bed.

The lab that my insurance recommended (demanded) to run all my blood tests last week has an online portal where I can retrieve my own results. I've been watching for them for days. I got an email late this evening that the results are in from those 14 vials of blood I gave them, and I've spent the last hour and a half googling what each one means. Well, some of them were pretty self-explanatory, and it was no surprise that my D3 was low and my LDLs a little high. But there were a lot of tests there that I have never seen before, with results at the very high end of normal reference ranges, and some of them far exceeding what is considered normal. I'm not ready to make any announcements before I've spoken with the doc, but at least now I've had a chance to go to a search screen and ask what the hell each thing is, before I'm blindsided with stuff I've never considered. So far I'm waiting to hear a professional interpret these things before I panic. I suspect a lot of them will turn out to be no big deal. The others... Well, I just don't know. Wait and see.

The Pride had a little break from their cabin fever today, and were mostly well-behaved in the sun. Until they weren't. Swatting and dirt baths for everyone!

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