Monday, February 1, 2016

Pile It On

Inspirational song: Snowblind (Styx)

I'm nothing if not honest. All I really wanted to do all day long was watch it snow. I've explored that side of myself before, the part that sees a storm wind up and hollers "woohoo!" Even when it wrecks my plans, I can't help but hope for record-setting snow, massive infrastructure failures, exciting catastrophes. The Schadenfreude is strong with this one. I was disappointed when it was hovering near the freezing mark, so the roads stayed merely wet, not white, and for all that it snowed all day, the buildup on the lawn was minimal. It was well past dark when the snow really started to pile up, finally sticking to the roads. It's coming down at a faster rate now too. The low pressure system is currently in the south/southeast part of the state, spinning around an upslope storm, hence the more intense snowfall. At seven this evening, I was falling asleep sitting up in my chair. Now that the blizzard conditions are finally here, I'm not sure how I can convince myself to go to bed. I want to settle back into my chair by the front window and watch it come down all night.

I took pictures of the same view over time. Early this morning looked almost exactly the same as late this afternoon. It wasn't until I went up there just now that it really changed, mildly perceptibly. And then the little boy who has developed cabin fever this winter begged and begged to go outside. I let him out in the backyard, thinking he would set one paw in the snow and turn back for the warm dining room. Instead that little doofus took off, bounding through the snow to investigate the birds' hideout, and then he zoomed across to sneak through the frozen herb garden by the house. He was being contrary long enough that the Mr had to go out in his jammies to drag the boy home. He's putting on a show of drying off his feet next to me now.

There was not a single thing I did today that captured my interest more than the snow. Storms do this to me. I guess I'll go back to the window now, and keep chanting "more snow, more snow, more snow..."

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