Friday, March 25, 2016


Inspirational song: Nothing Ever Goes As Planned (Styx)

My timing is off. I keep getting distracted and behind schedule. I opened up the page to write this about two hours ago. See how well that worked, considering I'm just now actually starting. Been the story of the day so far. We keep getting turned around and ending up doing things we don't plan on. It wasn't a throwaway day, it was just one that never went in the direction it was supposed to.

I tried to get a good picture of the squirrels before we left this morning. We were dressed and ready to go out, and we noticed the pushiest of the squirrels were in identical positions over each of the feeders after we put fresh corn cobs in them. I stepped out to take the photo from the best angle, with the little tree rats lined up perfectly. Alfred darted out with me, ran over to the tree, and almost immediately went up after the squirrels. Neither seemed the slightest bit fazed by his presence. One did move about four feet higher in the tree, and he just sat and stared at me while I chased my boy. I made eye contact with the squirrel, and asked him not to attack Alfred. He gave me the time I needed for Alfie to make it far enough down a branch that I could reach him. Before I made it inside with the boy, the squirrel was back in place like nothing happened. Me, I had to go change clothes because I had big, wet, muddy cat prints all over my shirt.

Bought bulk coffee again today, and dumped the big bag into one of the grinders at the front of Costco. Hit the button. Nothing happened. The grinder was jammed, we eventually figured out, after we had to dig all our beans out of it and scoop them back into the bag. The man got a plastic knife and poked out some of the clogged ground coffee. When we saw tiny metal flakes, we realized how badly the machine had been grinding itself. The motor had apparently burned itself out for good. I just wish we hadn't forgotten to tell the customer service desk that (a) no one ever showed up to assist us after she called and (b) that we left it unplugged because it was dead. I hope no one just went back and plugged it in without checking it out.

I tried taking pictures of the pretty drive home. The long views of the mountains were lovely, but I never seemed to get the right angle as we zipped down the county highways. We cut across to get out from behind slow traffic, and found a housing development we never realized was around here. We'd been driving past large neo-craftsman homes, when suddenly we saw ultra-modern weird things. I suppose these appeal to somebody. They just took us by surprise.

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