Thursday, April 19, 2018

My Left Foot

Inspirational song: Pyscho Killer (Talking Heads)

I am not a morning person. Never was, never will be. When they told me that my MRI would be at 7 am, with a showtime of 6:45, I was horrified, wondering who on earth wants to start working so early. It was the only time they had available before next week, so I had little choice but to accept it. Generally, I sleep poorly at night, and I wake several times. I woke without prompting right at 6, as people my age do, and I was so depressed when it occurred to me that I wasn't going to be going back to sleep a few minutes after a brief walk-about. I did the responsible thing, and dressed to go across town for a scan of my left foot.

I have had a few MRIs over my adult life, and they really don't bother me. The noise of the machine, the snug fit of the tube, I'm generally fine with it. I know that they give you headphones and play music to drown out the sound of the magnets. Sometimes the rooms are pretty chilly, to keep the machinery from overheating. Bearing that in mind, I wore layers, hoping that I wasn't going to be forced to change into a hospital gown. All I had to do was leave my purse and shoes on the other side of the room, so I was comfortably dressed. The tech wedged my foot into a frame, and packed some foam around it to keep it from moving around, I requested an extra pillow to go under my low back, and she gave me a second one under my head to balance it all out. I put the headphones on, and they pushed my glasses around, so I pulled off my glasses, and sort of held on to them and the band of the headphones, with my arms raised above my head, thinking that maybe that would be a position I could hold comfortably. Boy was I wrong. Based on the number of classic rock songs I listened to while I held myself tense to stay still, I was there about 25 minutes. At first, I was relaxed and listening to Catch Me Now, I'm Falling by one of my favorite bands, the Kinks. Four or five songs later, by the time the first verse of Psycho Killer got to "I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax," I realized it was the truth. I was a real live wire. I've been sore all day ever since. But I have a disc in my purse with all the information from the MRI so I can hand-carry it to the podiatrist on Monday. Let's see whether any new revelations come from this.

This weekend is prom for the local high school. XS has a gorgeous dress that one of the Rotarians made for her. Another Rotarian offered to buy her shoes to go with it. We met at a large shoe store, and walked around for a long time, trying to find shoes that matched her dress, her personality, and her comfort levels. XS isn't really crazy about super-blingy shoe, so all the ones covered in glitter and rhinestones were right out. She didn't want stiletto heels, so we skipped those. Gladiator style shoes didn't appeal. Old lady shoes were a no. She seemed really attracted to a Mary Jane sort of heel, and there were several that worked with her colors of dark blue and kind of a blush pink/nude. The fabrics she selected for her dress are at the height of fashion right now. After trying on eight or ten different shoes, she ended up settling for the very first pair she picked out, dark blue sandals with a chunky straight heel and mesh net straps. They are adorable, and they will go well with the dress that made her feel like a princess. It has been almost ten years since my girls went to prom, and much longer since I went. This is fun getting to relive the process of planning for it. I hope as a quintessential American experience for her to take back to Croatia, this one is special and positive.

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