Sunday, April 22, 2018

Past Time

Inspirational song: Old Time Rock and Roll (Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band)

Well, this is awkward. My internet is out. My lovely, all fiber optic, city owned utility, gigabit up and down internet is on the blink. We don't know what happened. It was fine until this evening. With nothing to go on other than knowing my neighbor's is still working just fine, I am going to run on the theory that Harvey did something on the counter to bump the delicate cable that comes in from the back of the house. He can't sass back and tell me he didn't do it, so he's my handy scapegoat.

I was planning on writing about light and how it was affecting my photographs beautifully today, but here I am stuck blogging on a phone that doesn't play nice with the blog platform. It refuses to upload pictures, and has for a couple of years now. I'm starting to wonder whether it isn't just time to throw off the blogspot training wheels and get my own domain. It seems like a big step, but really it may be past time to grow up.

I meant to mark the occasion on Friday, but I let myself be distracted. Friday was the fifth anniversary since I started writing these nightly essays. That's five years since I found a healthy outlet for creativity, a safe place to vent, a calming ritual to focus my memory and intention, and a habit to be proud of. The only night since April 20, 2013 that I didn't put out a post written by myself was in February of 2015, the night of the biggest, most invasive surgery I'd ever had, when I was too knocked out on morphine to GAF. Every other night I have forced myself to spend at least half an hour in reflection (even if the typing part takes less time). I don't know where I'd be without this habit. Probably screaming at my TV and sleeping poorly.

I will attempt to upload one of the pretty pictures from today. If they don't work, and I fully expect they won't, I'll still post one on the Facebook link, and show the rest tomorrow, if my internet is restored by then.

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