Monday, June 10, 2013


Inspirational song: It's Not Easy Being Green (Kermit the Frog)

I find myself having difficulty making decisions today, about the simplest actions. I have started toward the door multiple times, and stopped myself. I can't decide whether to water all the potted plants or wait for the rain. I can't decide whether to mow out front, or make inroads on the deadheading that I keep delaying, or do nothing at all. It's possible that my dithering is a little misdirected stress over the strange, new thing I'm trying today. When I joined the Y last week, I was able to make an appointment with one of their trainers to set up a routine. That appointment is in an hour, and I'm feeling an unreasonable amount of nerves over it. It isn't something I should be scared about, but I have let my health, or lack thereof lately, become such a huge focus and I'm almost afraid to face that mythical monster. 
In between the first paragraph and now, I had the meeting, and it went incredibly well. While I knew it would, I let the fear of the unknown get me worked up for no reason. If I had any idea beforehand that I would find a trainer with so many similar experiences as I've had, I would not have been as nervous as I was. In fact, it went so well that a seed of a rather cunning plan has been planted, but I will hug that one tightly for a while longer, so I don't jinx it. I hope I get to write about it soon.

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