Monday, April 21, 2014


Inspirational song: Please Release Me (Englebert Humperdinck)

Now that I'm feeling vulnerable for having made such a declarative statement yesterday, I think I will retreat into a more traditional post for today. If nothing else, I just don't have the energy to make sweeping declarations again today. I had another trip to the doc this afternoon, and still have no answers to why the weight of the world suddenly presses down on the right side of my head for a few seconds or minutes at a time. (To my cousin who asked whether it's a sinus infection, he said no, that's what they looked for in the CT scan.) I don't know whether it was good timing or not, but I felt like hell while I was there. I'm not sure whether I spoke with authority regarding my symptoms, or sounded disjointed and befuddled, because it felt like I was running headlong into a migraine with aura. I had felt it coming for hours, and it made waiting in an exam room extra fun. But the darnedest thing, the drive home wasn't so bad. It was the one and only time in my life that I might have believed that bloodletting was a useful medical treatment. I left enough behind today to make a difference. I was clearheaded and the migraine never fully materialized. By the time I got home, however, it was to the unpleasant embrace of my standard reaction to blood tests (involuntary nap and a quiet evening at home). Glad I had nothing planned except television viewing. 

I did absolutely nothing outside in the Park, other than walk around a little and fall in love with my rose bushes all over again. They are blooming heavily now, and the smell of flowers right next to them is intoxicating. I had just over two hours between mah jongg and the doctor, and being the pushover that I am, I agreed to the demands of the big gold eyes (three sets) that bored into my soul. The three young ones know how to pull on my heart strings, and I am a sucker for a sweet-talking cat. So outside we went. The two big Minions sat on the railing behind the grill, waiting for the squirrels to run down the tree to the feeders. They couldn't figure out why there were no squirrels. They always see them there when they're looking through the windows. How strange that none wanted to come down and be captured.

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