Saturday, April 5, 2014


Inspirational song: You Gotta Be (Des'ree)

I am not quite sure where I found the intestinal fortitude to make it through the whole day today. After a third flare-up of the flaw in my digestive system, I have to concede that it is time to admit to the doctors that I'm having pain again. The last day and a half have not been a whole lot of fun. My belly has been actively working against me. It took a lot of convincing to get up this morning, but I pulled on my work clothes like a boss, and went out and did what needed doing in the front yard. At least I did some of it, until the heat of the day and the swelling in my middle chased me inside. I'm proud of myself for trimming the boxwoods by the garage, clearing bark and leaves under the larger crepe myrtle bed, and weeding right next to the front door, before planting and cedar mulching. I don't know how effective the citronella plant and lemongrass will be, but I have at least one of each in the ground so far. The banana spiders are not invited to the party this year. Maybe this time they will believe I'm serious.

Things are definitely off and running everywhere I look around here. There are roses blooming front and back, the bulbs look fantastic, and as of a couple days ago, the crepe myrtles are leafing out. There's no stopping it now. The freezes are over and spring has won.

I didn't feel much like going out tonight, but it was a Very Special Bonfire night. One of the key players had a birthday, and I couldn't miss that for the world. Good food, good friends, perfect weather. I'm glad I stuck it out for the night. They've done a lot of landscaping since I was there last, pouring gravel around the fire pit, and preparing the soil in the new fenced garden space. They're making me feel like I'm such a dilettante, just playing at gardening. I need to remind myself that I'm playing to my own strengths, and doing as much as I can. I'm getting better at it all the time.

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