Sunday, December 14, 2014

Waiting for Change

Inspirational song: Wonderful Christmastime (Paul McCartney)

It was warm again today. Too warm to really feel like the shopping we were doing today was for Christmas. It was only as a concession to public expectation that the man wore a shirt today, or so he claimed. I regretted my long sleeves, but I wanted to pretend that it was less than a week from the start of winter. The sun was so bright and warm, I just couldn't do it. But I am pleased to report I'm miles ahead of last year, in feeling a festive, giving mood. I've bought a handful of gifts, and gotten a few still in the planning stages. I have to hope that the little elves at Amazon are light on their feet and have nimble packing fingers. Else I may be printing out pictures of what's coming, to put under the tree. That would pair nicely with the photographs of snow that my friends are showing me, so that I can remember what winter looks like.

While I am starting to feel the festive spirit of the month, the Pride seems to think the honeymoon is over. They are starting to engage Zoe much more actively, for better or for worse. She has been chased by an enormously poofed out Jack, a swatty Alfred, and an arch-backed Athena all weekend. To an untrained eye, this might appear that our household is at war. On the contrary, I think this is progress. It shows they are not indifferent to her presence. I'm fairly certain Athena is about to cross over from confrontation to play, very soon. She's the most interested, and Zoe pounces back at her more than the others. I predict that before the forsythias bloom, they will be cuddling and grooming each other. That is, if the house survives that long. Zoe is actively trying to push the whole place to the ground. I had no idea the end of the world would come in such an adorable package.

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