Saturday, January 14, 2017

More to Come

Inspirational song: 3 AM (Matchbox 20)

Well, I thought it would be fun to be weird and creative last night. While we drove up to the mountains to gamble, I decided that I wanted to write a blog that was total lies. Sure, in some circles that's called fiction. But last night, it was more... "improv." I accepted each new detail we thought of and went forward with it. Nothing was too weird or unbelievable. The rule in improv is "yes, and." You accept the other person's premise and run with it, period. A few little details were true. The extended version of Rock Me, Amadeus did play (until we decided it had gone off the rails and changed the station). I did lose a crap-ton of money playing penny slots. And that's about it. The rest was completely crafted from whole cloth, and presented with little explanation. We didn't get home until after 2 am, and I had to spend a little time editing the formatting on the computer before I could post it. (The phone app doesn't space between paragraphs, and won't let me upload pictures.) I published my story around 02:15, and just turned it loose on the world. I'm not sure how many regular readers looked at it. It had relatively low hits, but that French clickbot is still messing with my stats, so I have been having a hard time telling exactly how many regulars I have right now. I have been wanting to put more fiction out there, to give myself more practice at writing it, so this might happen more often in the future. I've got almost four years of a daily diary habit. I want my fiction to come as easily as blogging does to me now. The only way to get there is to practice. I am not putting any fixed schedule on this yet, but I'm hoping to make publishing fiction a regular event sooner than later. I welcome feedback. In fact, I am actively soliciting it right now. I will want constructive criticism of my sentence construction, character development, plot believability (although less relevant for certain fanciful or farcical pieces), and entertainment value. Can't always promise my feelings won't be hurt when pieces bomb, but I'm a grown-up. I can take it. So let's have it. I'm listening.

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