Sunday, January 1, 2017

So Far So Good

Inspirational song: Uninvited Guest (Marillion)

Is it fair to say that 2017 is so far so good, if I have mostly avoided the news and social media, so I have no idea how this day actually went for anyone besides myself? It's great, if I'm allowed to hide from any potential negative inputs. The weather was lovely, clear and warm for January. The neighborhood was mostly quiet, unlike late last night when half of my block seemed to be outside setting off fireworks, blaring car horns, tooting plastic horns, yelling, and cheering. My first footer was a tall, dark-haired man, bringing appropriate gifts of alcohol and entertainment, when the neighbor showed up with homebrewed beer and reminded us to watch football. We fed him our preferred version of the traditional foods for today: ham, black-eyed peas, and buttered cabbage. Even the animals had a good day, with Barley coming to play with the big dogs, and the cats left the little dog houseguest alone. Sheba needed some calm time, after spending the entire night sleeping underneath my blankets, pretending fireworks and cheering neighbors didn't exist, although I admit she did very well by not cowering or barking while the big man she didn't know cheered on the Chiefs on television.

I enjoyed having my daughter out to visit. Even if the football game we had been so excited to watch was a train wreck, the visit itself went smoothly in comparison. She's driving home again now, and I'm already wondering how soon I get to see her again. She and I watched another couple movies in the Harry Potter series, continuing our interrupted marathon from October. I realized that I had never purchased movie number 8, and I corrected that oversight tonight, so I'm ready when she comes back. I hope it's soon, but I don't want to over-stress her knowing how long of a drive that is.

I've talked a bit already about what I could consider my new year's resolution. It's more of a new life resolution. I am thoroughly rejecting the idea that I need to live in fear and hate whole groups of people just because I've been told to. I don't know that I need more of a resolution than that. I'm thinking big this year. Not worrying so much about eating more vegetables or joining a gym this time. 2017 is going to require grand ideas and courage to reach them, to make it better than the year we just kicked to the curb.

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