Wednesday, June 28, 2017

In Secret

Inspirational song: Biggest Part of Me (Ambrosia)

Why is it every night lately as I start opening the blogging platform, I have yacht rock songs echoing in my mind? I'm not married to the idea that the songs at the top have to pertain exactly to what I'm writing. Sometimes they really are something I heard on the radio that ear-wormed their way into my head, that I can't get rid of. I think that's the case tonight. I am fairly sure a couple times over the last several hours I have heard the promos for the Yacht Rock channel on Sirius. I'm embarrassingly happy about the fact that it's back for now. Maybe that's why I have let the songs follow me after the promos end. It's rather lowering to admit that the young punk I used to look at in the mirror has turned into a middle aged woman who secretly gets excited when Hall & Oates or Pablo Cruise comes on the radio.

I got the announcement this evening. While I was secretly hoping my nomination would be contentious, and someone would veto me, thus saving me from myself and freeing up my 2017-2018, it was not to be. In a unanimous decision, the Rotary board has accepted me as one of their own. PR and Communications chair. Everyone is going to know my name. Watch out, Longmont.

I've actually had a very busy day. I wasn't allowed to wallow in my phobia of calling on the telephone. In fact, as of my notification of selection on the board, I guess I won't be allowed to hide behind that phobia for an entire year. If someone says call the newspaper, I have to call the newspaper. If someone says call the mayor's office, I'm gonna call the mayor's office. So spending all day on the phone with the house inspector for the next sale, the buyers of said house, the sales rep for the fabulous internet service in town, DirecTV to renegotiate my contract (44 minutes...), a listing agent and the showing service for tomorrow's house tours, and someone I'm leaving out (I'll think of it eventually) really just all counts as practice. Or conditioning. Or numbing. I won't quibble over semantics.

It was worth all the phone calling. Can I brag just a little bit about my home town? Many years ago, visionary voters overwhelmingly approved municipally owned utilities, so our electricity rates are quite reasonable. They also approved covering our town with fiber optic cable in every single neighborhood, and providing city wide gigabit internet service. I can't remember exactly what they call us. A gigabit community, maybe? It has taken years to get this over the entire town, and my neighborhood was one of the very last to get it. This actually worked in my favor. I had a contract with CenturyLink that I got the day we moved in, which expires a month from tomorrow. When the Nextlight service becomes available in your neighborhood, you have 90 days to sign up for it to become a charter member, and I didn't want to have to pay for two services or buy out my old contract. Charter members get the service for $49.95 a month F-O-R-E-V-E-R. No taxes (it's citizen owned). I could rent a Wi-Fi router, but I don't have to, and eventually they'll have built in capability through the box that comes in from the cable outside anyway. Capability of 1,000,000,000 bits per second (1,000 Mbps) download speeds. AND blazing fast upload speeds. I checked my speed today, and I have 25 megabits per second download, 4 upload. The charter member status stays with me and stays with the house. You bet your sweet ass I am going to use this nugget of information as a realtor. "Come to Longmont. Buy a house with a Nextlight membership. 50 dollar internet for life." I might just have finally found the key to selling real estate here, rather than having to drive half an hour to work on any given day. Maybe that PR job is right for me after all.

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