Sunday, June 25, 2017

Kept It 100

Inspirational song: Sunday (Sunday in the Park with George)

The big day is now over. After months of planning meetings, weeks of design (for my contribution), days of frantic sign art, hours of last-minute shopping for every eventuality I could think of while in mega-stores, staying up way late and getting up offensively early, today was go time. We had to be at the park at 8 to set up, and I made myself do it, even after staying up until nearly 2 to finish blogging before I conked out last night. Mr S-P wasn't even up yet when I left the house. I didn't even bother trying to reheat yesterday's coffee, if there was any left. I intended to come back and change shoes (out of my crappy pottery shoes that were falling apart), grab any missing items, and maybe put on makeup, once the event was set up. I should have known better. We hit the ground running and didn't stop until we were packed up and driving home this afternoon. Sure, we had time to chill at our various stations as the day progressed. But it was every bit as exhausting for me as I expected. At least there was a thick cloud layer until the very moment we started loading things in our cars.

We didn't get quite the turnout from the public that we had hoped for. There was quite a bit of competition, especially from a big Latino festival downtown and the big annual event at the church where our Rotary normally meets. Our beer and wine sales didn't cover our event costs. We did raise thousands of dollars for the foundation, which was our primary goal. It is true that sometimes you have to spend money to make money, so I am at peace with that.

I was pleased overall on how the signs came out. I spent hours this morning whipping out new ones on the fly. I think I would have just died had I not switched out to making them with big fat Sharpies. They're all in my car now. Not sure what we'll do with them. Probably display them at our next meeting, to give a final thanks to our sponsors. They came through for us.

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