Friday, June 23, 2017

The Chicken House

Inspirational song: The Bottom Line (Big Audio Dynamite)

I was supposed to have all day to myself. For that matter, when I planned my schedule for this week, I was supposed to have all of yesterday as well. I thought there would be three, maybe four full days available to me to finish making all of my signs for the Rotary event on Sunday. Now I'm starting to freak out. I have several of them made, but I'm missing a whole list of them that are held in someone else's email chain who knows how many I'm supposed to whip through tomorrow. And not only did I lose most of Thursday and today, but now I'm not even going to have Saturday morning free.

But in exchange, everything I'm doing instead can't be considered "free" in any sense. I have been working. After a long year where I could barely drum up enough business to keep my skills sharp, I'm working like crazy now. I love doing it, even when it gives me panic days to catch up on my volunteer obligations.

Same couple who found the mushroom house yesterday went with me to another four places. We started out way west of town, in a couple newer housing developments that I absolutely loved. They did too, although the houses each had some flaws. For house number three, it was so new that my GPS (circa 2013, same year as the house) didn't have it on a map. We had to fake it to get there, but we did it with only a little backtracking. We ended up staying there much longer than any other house thus far. We had to hurry to get in right before our hour was up on the last one, and it was all we could do to be in there just a few minutes. (Hint to home sellers, make sure your house doesn't stink before putting it on the market. Really, really do this.)

We went to a late lunch, and talked over what we had seen. And then I called the listing service for house number three, and set up another showing so that we could go right back. It really was a spectacular place. It might have helped me think so, in that all the animals were home and they were really friendly. There was a chubby dog who hopped up and down when we came back the second time, especially when I told her that she was just so sweet we had to come back and visit her again. (I think she believed that was the whole reason.) There was also a fluffy tabby cat who looked like a Maine Coon, who was chill enough to let me pet her belly. Out back, there were three chickens who let the buyer walk around and through their little chicken gang, and who watched me intently while we looked around the walk-out basement.

I have started preparing an offer for this house, and by the time I had it about 90% done, I was used up. It's sitting in my draft file on the MLS site, and sometime after I sleep, wake, and down a *big* cup of coffee in the morning, I will send it to the buyers to review. The last few days (weeks) have worn me down enough that I'm not confident I haven't made some significant errors, especially of the mathematic kind. I can't make any mistakes at this point that would cost me money to repair, or worse, cost me my reputation. When it all comes down to it, that is worth everything.

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