Tuesday, June 20, 2017

World Weary

Inspirational song: Down Under (Men At Work)

Most of the nuclear family is back at Smith Park West. The Man returned this evening, and tomorrow Murray will come back from sleep-away camp. We will be back at full operating capacity. For now, we are all just barely awake, him from being on an airplane for most of a full day, me for getting very little sleep in order to work my way through my ridiculously long to-do list. I managed to keep a handle on things while I was the only human around here, but it cost me. I'm hoping that by Sunday night, after the big Rotary event, I'll have both the time to sleep it all off and the ability to power down my brain so that I can accomplish that. (How sad, as I wrote that, I realized that I just added "catch up on sleep" to my list as yet another task. It seems a bit self-defeating.)

I got approval on the signs I started making at the last planning meeting after Rotary lunch, but I haven't plunged ahead to make all of the rest of them yet. I was too dead set on finishing putting my house back together that I worked myself into a stupor before heading down to the airport this evening. Being super tired just before one sets off into rush hour traffic on the interstate in a major metropolitan area is probably ill advised. I did notice I was extra loopy on the way home, but since the man in the passenger seat was sitting with his chin on his chest most of the way, I wasn't about to ask him to drive. (He's currently adopting the same pose in the hot tub, and I had to make him move to where he won't pitch over and drown so that I could type.)

On the way back around the world, he stopped in to see our oldest daughter while he had a super long layover. I didn't get to hear too much about what she is up to, but I did get photos of my grandbabies texted to me. They even took one of them (Sheba) to the beach. On the way there and back, in a role reversal we waited a lifetime for, daughter and Sheba rode in the front seat while daddy sacked out in back. He didn't have to suffer the indignities of trying to sleep in an booster seat, but who knows, maybe in another few decades when he's a little old man, that circle will be complete. I told him that he was relegated to the back so that Sheba would be closer to where the french fries would come from, and a few minutes later he confirmed that indeed, they rolled up to the Magic Food Window. I enjoy being right.

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