Saturday, January 27, 2018

Plain to See

Inspirational song: Map of the World (Marillion)

I'd like to go into a rambling nature vs nurture monologue right about now, but in all honesty, I can't take credit for any part of what I saw today. I was just proud that my foster daughter and I share an affinity for map-making, without ever having discussed it. That was quite literally my favorite part of elementary and middle school, being encouraged to draw maps during social studies class. Today, my foster daughter pulled out a hand-drawn map for our game that was absolutely beautiful. She has actual drafting training and gets paid to do these things sometimes, while I was just a little Hermione Granger who knew she had a skill and refused to hide it. I never taught her how to do it when we lived together, and we share no DNA. But I still feel like there is a new bond there.

Bumpy the little red-headed dog had a good day today. Rather than trying to get him to eat his regular-sized two meals today, he got brought inside a few times today to have a small scoop of rice, while the other dogs were outside hosting neighbor dog Barley. Bump appears to have kept the rice down a little better than his standard dog food diet. He also liked getting to visit with his human friends while Barley worked out Murray's excess energy.

We had friends over all day. They arrived early this morning, and we did our thing for hours. I thought perhaps the fact that we usually met at night was why I was so tired after two or three hours. No, it wasn't the time of day. It was my total lack of stamina. I had to disappear for 20 minutes mid-afternoon to lie down with my eyes closed while everyone else did a little bookkeeping. When they left at sunset, I sat in my chair and almost instantly fell asleep sitting up. I managed to make it through the rest of the night without crawling into bed, but that was only so that I could take my nighttime pills on time. I'm starting to wonder whether the new stuff is resetting my circadian rhythm. It's making me feel a lot better, but wow, is it hard to stay up late enough to blog. I'm going to have to work my banter out much earlier in the day. I'll work on it. I promise.

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