Sunday, January 28, 2018


Inspirational song: I Want to Break Free (Queen)

Bump seems to have had another so-so day today. He spent most of his time outside, because it was warm and sunny and more interesting for him to be outside barking at squirrels and cars driving down the alley. He came in once to have a cup of rice and chicken broth, and then to take a little nap by himself. Then this evening I tried to feed him regular dog food, and that went poorly. Elsa got two dinners and Bump came in to lie next to me while his tummy calmed down. It's really hard to see him get so sick, so fast. Just last summer, the Mr was complaining that B had gotten chunky, and he needed to take a lot more hikes up the mountain to work off some of his pudge. Now he looks so skinny and old. He has been getting meds since Friday, and has something special waiting for the same compounding pharmacy that I get my new stuff through. I hope the right pharmacist is there every Monday, so that he can have it right away, whatever it is. My main job will be to find things that will stay in his belly long enough to do him some good. I guess he is done with dry dog cereal for the foreseeable future. It's rice and sweet potatoes and chicken thighs for a while, I think. Maybe a little scrambled eggs for breakfast tomorrow, if they will stay down. I am also going to encourage him to spend more time inside than out, so that Murray doesn't pick on him, as he is wont to do. Bump doesn't need a bully while he's trying to get healthy.

Bump isn't the only one feeling small today. I tried to do way too much last week, and it caught up with me today. I kept falling back asleep hard all morning, and didn't actually get up to do anything useful until almost 2 in the afternoon. I ate almost nothing, so I couldn't exactly criticize my dog for doing the same. I need to carefully examine the sources of stress and fatigue in my life, and see which ones I can give the heave-ho. I have my eye on one particular stressful duty, one that makes me feel awful, that is supposed to be done weekly. If I can pass it off to anyone else (and I will be trying to find that anyone asap), then I will say goodbye to it without a second thought. It would free up a lot of emotional energy as well as physical to let it go. I was overly optimistic when I took it on, and I regret thinking I could keep up with it. I can't.

While I stayed at home with my batteries completely drained, the Mr went up to check on a neighbor's property up the mountain. He sent back some amazing photos, a couple of which in thumbnail size, I seriously couldn't tell were from ground level. I thought he had gone airborne over the tops of the Rockies. It made me a little wistful for those days when I teased that we needed a little purple helicopter to access the mining claim, and I imagined there was a way to acquire one. It would have been lovely to have the freedom to soar over the mountaintops, to get the kind of pictures I thought these were.

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