Friday, January 19, 2018

Read Into It

Inspirational song: Rock and Roll High School (The Ramones)

I have been putting off my homework for several days. I have new folks that I haven't yet met in person in town starting today, and they sent me a list of 42 parcels of land they have been watching. I had so many other things going on this week that I let myself procrastinate. I started going through the list a couple of hours ago, handwriting his spreadsheet into my books, with enough space to make notes. I was making great progress looking things over while I watched a live feed of the Senate (with commentary over the top). I saw them fail to get 60 votes to move forward with the House-passed continuing resolution that would have just delayed all the stuff they should have negotiated months ago. I wasn't really surprised to see it all. Not kidding, within 2 minutes of the clock running out on the government shut-down deadline, my homework jacked up. I hit a row of properties in Cripple Creek, southwest of Colorado Springs, which doesn't show up in the multiple listing services I subscribe to. And then I tried to find addresses in Estes Park, that should indeed have been available on the site I was using, and it started giving me error messages like the MLS shut down with the government. I know it shouldn't have. This is a commercial site I use (that I pay for). I have decided to take it as a sign that I will not be pulling an all-nighter. I'm going to take care of myself and go to sleep early.

Rather than researching these building sites, I spent way too much of my time googling the new medication that I am waiting to receive next week, once the expert is at my local compounding pharmacy again. I wanted to read what other people had written about their own experiences, on their own blogs or comment threads on disease support group pages. I found what I needed, that while not every single person was miraculously cured of all symptoms, more people seemed to notice improvements than had no change. I found almost no reports of negative side effects, other than a few headaches and insomnia, and those seemed to moderate with change in dosage or time taken. I'm so ready to take a chance on this new course of action. Once I have it in hand, I'll start reporting whether I have good, bad, or indifferent results.

Okay, I admit it. I wasn't all studious today. I did spend a little time goofing off. In 24 hours' time, I was freakishly lucky with my time-waster games. On one I ended up gaining over 30 percent of my points total, although I kept playing and gave a little of it back. Whenever I feel guilty about my recess time, which is a bigger proportion of my day than I like to admit to, I remind myself that my primary care doc specifically ordered me to do relaxing, mind-easing games every single day. I might find out next week whether the tiny little bursts of dopamine I get from winning these games increases when I start taking a compounded drug that is supposed to boost the natural endorphins my body produces. Would it be obnoxious to think of these games as actual therapy? (Probably)

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