Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Inspirational song: Rescue Me (The Alarm)

The batteries on all of my devices are depleted. My phone is at 24%, my iPad at 28%, and when I turned on the laptop, the little orange button on the side warned me to plug in. It's apropos, because my internal batteries are dead out too. It was all I could do to pick up the laptop off the side table, and then it took me a full two minutes to convince myself to open it. I couldn't muster the strength to push the lid up.

I slept little again last night, mostly because I had to get up before daylight to go to the rotary board meeting. I should have napped before the main meeting, and I had two cups of coffee instead. I crashed hard this afternoon, and have spent the rest of the day wondering whether this is a hint of a bug trying to catch me, or is this just business as usual. I have my periodic checkup with the rheumatologist this week. It's time to ask her a whole host of questions about potential new avenues to pursue. I feel like I've used up the efficacy potential of the current treatments, and I need to consider novel approaches.

I have a million irons in the fire, as always. There's very little I can talk about right now. I have one really huge, wonderful thing I'm trying to qualify for. If I'm approved, I'll write about it at length, between now and June, often and in detail, I'm sure. Until I know, think happy thoughts for this vague and undefined plan I have. I want it to work.

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