Saturday, February 3, 2018

Familiar Patterns

Inspirational song: I Got You, Babe (Sonny and Cher)

So here I am once more, facing a blank page after a day where I spent more than fifty percent of it in my room. Of course a political nerd like myself wanted to have the television on for a ridiculous amount of today, waiting to see whether the hype was worth it. (Spoiler: it wasn't nearly as revelatory, much less catastrophic, as we were led to believe. Think Al Capone's vault.) I watched the same field experts interviewed over and over, wondering how they managed to stay clear-headed at 7 pm, when I knew they were on air at 9 am too.

We had lunch with an old friend today. She was once our realtor, and when I started kicking around the idea of getting my license too, she was the first one to say yes, go for it. We check in every few months and I get to share my progress in the career field, and get a little advice here and there. We were there with another couple, mutual friends of the realtor. In the land of craft beers, I was the only one around the table not having a fermented grain beverage for lunch. This local chain does an annual "stout month" which is apparently a big deal around here. Even when I tried to be a beer drinker, many years ago, I could never tolerate stouts. They handed out bingo cards for the event, and I may not have any interest in the drinks, but I did appreciate the clever names. Thank goodness people approach the naming of wine with as much enthusiasm. It makes it a whole lot of fun, and I don't have to pretend I can tolerate the bitterness of beer.

I have three email accounts that I use on a regular basis, and I have been inundated by all of them to the point of wanting to hide completely. For the oldest one, I almost only look at it long enough to clear out the promotional emails from businesses that send coupons every single day of the year, sometimes twice a day. I delete most of them unopened, but every once in a while I open one to see what sort of junk they are trying to sell me. I got one from Amazon today, and I was curious what sort of books they thought I'd be interested in this time. Sometimes they get me right, and tell me about new stuff due out from my favorite authors. I assume they base the offers off of my search history, although a lot of times I doubt that assumption. So what exactly did I search on that made them offer me AARP guides to downsizing and retirement planning? How did they jump to that conclusion? Or have they gotten to the point where they don't need an Alexa listening in on my conversations to know that I wanted to clear things out? And they just guessed on the retirement part? Regardless, I'm slightly terrified and more than a little annoyed at their intrusions.

I had a photo of the stout bingo card, but my phone is elsewhere, and I don't feel like looking for it. I'm not screenshotting my email either. So what's my usual cop-out? A picture of one of the cats. I've done it before, I'll do it again. And again. And again.

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